Thursday, November 25, 2010

Outing Wif Vid JT Choo Roz!

Ha! I took the MRT today! Kays, today was a great day, and all I can remember is that I had one of the best days of my life!. We went to Vivo City first, to wait for JT, and before going I met with Choo Min at that irking MRT station with thousands of exits and she couldn't find me so my mother started getting worried, flustered and irritable. At Vivo we had our lunch in the foodcourt, I think it was foodrepublic. I had Fishball Kuay Tiao and JT had the same with me. Choo bought some beef soup and rice. Roz and Vid had Chicken Rice. After that we went to Candy Empire!!!!!!!!!!!!! To stare at the sweets...
Theen after that we went to Clarke Quay. There I bought STICKY!!!!! I bought the 150g 5.80 one. That's the best offer there anyway. It's a mix of rock candy. And I got Ms Ng Strawberry Cream and Grapefruit Rock. Stickys' is really very good, and expensive too ..-.- I forgot what mall but then we went to this particular one in front of the river with weird decorations and we just sat down there eating free cotton candy...
There were lots of people there, and this woman bought 4kg worth of customized Stickys and it cost $200.
Then we went to Farrer Park where I bought some clips that were cute and cheap. Only 50cents!!!!!!!!!!
Then ya, we walked around more, ah now I remember sometime before that me and Roz got some Soyabean Icecream!!!!!!!
I had a GREAT DAY ^^

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Sentosa Outing 24/11

The same day of cihor, after cihor, I had this dental appointment at the neighbuuring school so I skipped cihor for 1 hour. I was sort of sad that I couldn't here 'The Wind'...
I have another hole in my teeth....And she undid the last one and redid it.

The fun part! After all the above, in the afternoon, Croc, Ao, and Jin came to my place. Of course they were attacked by Criichan. -.-'|
We had tonnes of laughter. First we went to the

 Resident, I a Lare.
At, (oloo) Katth.
Eho........Use. "There"

Then we went to One degree 15 to have our dinner.
Papaya and White Fungus Soup
Baked Salted Prawns
Braised Fish with Garlic, Mushroom and Beancurd Skin.
Roasted Salted Chicken
Boiled Vegetables??
Noodles with Onion and Mushroom
Coconut Pudding

Ya that's all we had, and Jasmine Tea.
It was LOL all throughout dinner.
Ao: The fish there is very poor thing, swimming there while the friend is being served on the table.
Then we laughed like some mad people. There were more things of course..Like how Croc is 'conceited'. Then the waitress asked my mother if that was her OLDER SISTER, we all burst out laughing.
Then my mother started laughing too...
In the car, I was pointing at something (knocking the glass) then my mother was scolding me about my behaviour.
Ao: Next time if you sell glass, to promote it, say its AyuzuMero proof.
I started laughing........for a good one minute I was desperately breathing in air. (AyuzuMero is not my real name, just trying to get a replacement. You see, I am a strong and fat person, apparently who won a arm wrestling match again my father and carried a 76kg person [I am lighter than that weight])
Then we went to Resorts World. And looked at the Michael Graves Hotel, Festive Hotel, and HardRock Hotel. We sat down at the chairs of Hard Rock Hotel and then Croc asked what the wooden thing was, since at an apropriate height, she put her legs up..........ON THE TABLE. Then 4 of us started shouting at her...Then she said something about showing her 'beautiful' legs better like that........=.='"l||||||||||||
Seriously................Then I started explaining about the etiquitte most appropriate in that particular hotel....
We headed home...
Wheel Biscuits
TinnedPeach + NatadeCoco + Tadpoles + Longan = Dessert,
Than Croc started saying how weird Ao is about wanting and insisting her to cook Sweet Dumplings (Tang Yuan) with Chicken Broth..........................................................................................
Supposedly today is 25th, but I had to wake up early, so ...
GOING OUT WITH MY FRIENDS TODAY TO ALL OVER SINGAPORE!!!!!!!! Going to meet Choo at S******** Mrt Station..............................Is there such a thing as Sembawang Mrt?????????????????
I'll upload pictures another time!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


There's this racist user at Youtube called FuriousPixel and is a DAMNING RACIST.
Comment: Something along the lines of 'Nigro in a White Suit' (this person is probably trying to say blacks are idiots. and if they don't know, a lot of indians go to universities, and other types of schools which are the best in Singapore. AND DON'T YOU DARE INSULT SINGAPORE)
Video: 6 seconds
            This guy supposedly posing and no intention of shooting and then he shoots not intending to shoot. And he and his bunch of friends were laughing. THEY COULD HAVE KILLED SOMEONE
Highest Rated Comment: (along the lines of) If you don't want to shoot, don't place your hand at the trigger.
And by the way I am not a black skinned person. (not racist comment) and 2/5 my friends are different colored people and none of them are damn racists. You know if racists continue to roam the face of earth, there will be alot of bad things happening. Just remember. BLACK OR WHITE AND RED OR BLUE, WE ARE HUMANS AND HAVE FEELINGS DAMN IT!
So what's the f****** difference about having a different skin colour?! What? If someone is going to say they are contractors and therefore low class people, I'm going to hit you in the face and bleach your skin black, if you mind it so much. THESE PEOPLE ARE IMPORTANT PEOPLE IN THE ECONOMY.
They are humans, they are people, they are part of us, part of Singapore, and part of the Earth's population. If you mind then so much that you make freaking comments like these, go establish a planet yourself where they are none and get out or our site.
REMEMBER KIDS, BLACK OR WHITE, PEOPLE HAVE FEELINGS. Don't be like these a******* who care so much about skin color.
Sheesh! LOOK AT OBAMA! If you guys were presidents/Kings/Emperor/Sheiks once, I have nothing to say, but if you weren't , Shut the freaking hell up.
Eh...Just finished Chapter 26 of Dengeki Daisy. Thant's why I like but sometimes a bit laggy, so when that happens, I'll go to Because citymanga is much faster but I think mangareader has more chapters....Anyway. Going to Cihor now............................I mean later. But still...
Tch. Doing the Wind to day. SLA2 might kill me if I don't practice that song..........After all it is the SAT piece....................................tsk.
But then after that the good thing is going out with Ao and Gin and Croc.Mwahahaha!
To Sentosa! Lalalalala

Stos Eeth 'ehou'! Set, here: And
T (hatt)
Oimper. I a ltrea!!!*

I'm goonna Maple!

niTo kerb my diet I have thought of Mapling..Wow, good excuse. ^^.
Again, I will only post until the end of this blog account amd most likely for the subsequent maple accounts.

I just played for like 20 minutes. Going to sleep now then.
On maple I saw Cloudlvm


My mother is seriously addicted to that tv show. watching replays? two times? She can bare with it?!
I think I shall go into my room now. I'm sort of bored. Besides practicing wind, but i think i'll practive it tomorrow.

1 - Sleep at 10
2 - wake up at 6
3 - play com! limit is 7:10
4 - Practice The wind from 7:10 until 7:55
5 - Pack Choir Stuff until 8:10
6 - Keep this at 8:20!

Jigoku Shoujo!

Jigoku Shoujo!!!!! I don't know why I just like Enma Ai lot.............

Kikuri!! I don't really like her, but she gives me shivers.