Tuesday, November 23, 2010


There's this racist user at Youtube called FuriousPixel and is a DAMNING RACIST.
Comment: Something along the lines of 'Nigro in a White Suit' (this person is probably trying to say blacks are idiots. and if they don't know, a lot of indians go to universities, and other types of schools which are the best in Singapore. AND DON'T YOU DARE INSULT SINGAPORE)
Video: 6 seconds
            This guy supposedly posing and no intention of shooting and then he shoots not intending to shoot. And he and his bunch of friends were laughing. THEY COULD HAVE KILLED SOMEONE
Highest Rated Comment: (along the lines of) If you don't want to shoot, don't place your hand at the trigger.
And by the way I am not a black skinned person. (not racist comment) and 2/5 my friends are different colored people and none of them are damn racists. You know if racists continue to roam the face of earth, there will be alot of bad things happening. Just remember. BLACK OR WHITE AND RED OR BLUE, WE ARE HUMANS AND HAVE FEELINGS DAMN IT!
So what's the f****** difference about having a different skin colour?! What? If someone is going to say they are contractors and therefore low class people, I'm going to hit you in the face and bleach your skin black, if you mind it so much. THESE PEOPLE ARE IMPORTANT PEOPLE IN THE ECONOMY.
They are humans, they are people, they are part of us, part of Singapore, and part of the Earth's population. If you mind then so much that you make freaking comments like these, go establish a planet yourself where they are none and get out or our site.
REMEMBER KIDS, BLACK OR WHITE, PEOPLE HAVE FEELINGS. Don't be like these a******* who care so much about skin color.
Sheesh! LOOK AT OBAMA! If you guys were presidents/Kings/Emperor/Sheiks once, I have nothing to say, but if you weren't , Shut the freaking hell up.

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